
Current Project?



About Spearcarrier
Current Project?
Stoopid Quizzes


Find Spearcarrier, Her Work, and Her Weirdness at the Following Places:

Writers of the Apocalypse
Heavenly Bride
Her Publications
Viking Kitteh
OOAK Leaf Gallery of Little People
Her Art
E-book Formatting
Her Comic Portfolio

Yep! She's busy!




One of Katrina's current projects is a novel entitled Butterfly: a blog about a MKultra mind slave's day to day experiences as they try to come to terms with what and who they are. Written from the point of view of Jennifer White. It's not very linear, but do we live our lives as linearly as we think we do? This is a simple "real life" point of view, no plot needed. Much like reality t.v.

Katrina puts entries on a real blog site for people to read as it gets written. It's free to read, although the occasional donation helps her find time to put out more information. You can find it here: http://carriesaspear.blogspot.com or you can follow the RSS feed below.