
About Spearcarrier



About Spearcarrier
Current Project?
Stoopid Quizzes


Find Spearcarrier, Her Work, and Her Weirdness at the Following Places:

Writers of the Apocalypse
Heavenly Bride
Her Publications
Viking Kitteh
OOAK Leaf Gallery of Little People
Her Art
E-book Formatting
Her Comic Portfolio

Yep! She's busy!



Katrina Joyner is an entrepreneur in the fields of e-publication as well as a published author, comic artist and colorist.

A member of the Brotherton Wisconsin tribe, she holds a B.A. in anthropology with a minor in history. There are times she misses walking in the woods, digging holes in the search for human artifacts but also loves what she does in regard to helping other authors like herself publish themselves in places like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, and others.

For fun she accompanies her husband to SCA events, where her current persona is a scraeling kidnapped into marriage by her Russ Viking. She also likes doll-making, beadwork, and occasionally fencing.