Lair of the MothGoddess



About Spearcarrier
Current Project?
Stoopid Quizzes


Find Spearcarrier, Her Work, and Her Weirdness at the Following Places:

Writers of the Apocalypse
Heavenly Bride
Her Publications
Viking Kitteh
OOAK Leaf Gallery of Little People
Her Art
E-book Formatting
Her Comic Portfolio

Yep! She's busy!



I bid thee welcome, fair traveler!

Welcome to the Lair of the Mothgoddess

You have stumbled across the long-forgotten temple of the Mothgoddess, she who usurped the Mothgod for the good of the Ragtag Mothren Army in their eternal struggle against the dastardly snakes and their venomous rampage. You sit on a nearby log to admire the vine-infested building, falling bricks and abandoned fountain. From nowhere an angsty woman steps out of the building and shouts, "Hey, you! GET OFF MY LAWN!"

As if from some choose your own adventure book, you can choose to stay. Or you can choose to surf on. Choose. CHOOSE!

Tale of the Mothgoddess

Originally this was the very first homepage Katrina Joyner, also known as Spearcarrier, ever owned way back around 1995. She was new to the internet back then; posting replies in forums as deep and verbose as "me, too!" and hyperlinking other people's artwork off of their servers and websites. She had no idea what she was doing.

One morning, when she was but a lowly recruit in the Ragtag Mothren Army online RPG game, she awoke to find cashmere laid at her not-so-dainty feet.  "Be our goddess," the Moth Queen and general begged, for sore did they need an editor for their Mothren Magazine.  Amused, Spearcarrier accepted the position. 

Sometimes, she ponders where her little mothlings have gone... she also ponders making a trading card came out of the situation! WEEEE!  Because, only the MOTHGODDESS remembers the rules, the places, the... fun!  THE MOTHGODDESS KNOWS ALL.

Being the Mothgoddess was probably the best thing that ever happened to our little heroine.  Editing the Mothren Magazine gave her confidence.  Since then she has edited and illustrated for Kinships Magazine, created artwork for various people globally, and is now a published author and comic artist.  She has never forgotten her humble beginnings, however, and thanks Destiny for bringing Magawiska, the MothQueen, and the rest of the Ragtag Army (and their enemies, the snakes) into her life.

Now where are you damn deserters?!?  I want my cashmere!  My soft woolen sweaters!  I'm HUNGRY dammit!